Friday, 17 August 2018

Indonesia (part one)

Happy Indonesian national day - 17th August. Apparently there's much
celebrating going on, but we are alone in a remote anchorage in Komodo
National Park and will have to celebrate by ourselves, unless some Komodo
Free-diving fisherman Alor at 10m depth
dragons and monkeys stage a party on the beach.

There will lots of news to come from Indonesia. We've been here a month now
and are loving it. When the rest of the Oyster World Rally fleet moves on in early September, three boats (ourselves, Lisanne and Miss Tiggy) will be staying on in Indonesia and then making our way north and west to Malaysia,
Singapore, Langkawi,Thailand and possibly Myanmar if we can arrange visas and paperwork, and shipping our boats back to the Mediterranean in April
Alor reef
2019. It will be very sad to break away from our family of yachts but we will stay in touch -- and there is lots to look forward to back in England.

Charles has been reading a book called Indonesia - Exploring the Improbable
Nation, by Elizabeth Pisani. It IS an improbable place, with over 17,000
islands and 300 languages. We're assured that Bahasa, the lingua franca, is easy to learn, but we are still frustratingly bad at communicating, mostly relying on smiles and a very limited vocabulary (it does include 'how old are you?' as that's useful when dispensing reading glasses!) The currency, rupiyahs, has way too many zeros. In a largely cash economy, wallets bulge with 100,000 rupiyah notes, worth £5. The smallest note is worth 5 pence! Life is mostly cheap here, so I do have moments of wondering 'is that £1.25 or £12.50?'

The geography of Indonesia (the part we've seen) is stunning. As everyone's been reminded recently, it lies on the ring of fire, and most of the mountains are volcanic cone-shaped. The hills where we are now are arid, baking in the sun, with dramatic rock formations at the shoreline. When we went inland to Kelimutu multi-coloured lakes, though, we drove through

Alor coral garden

Smiling schoolchildren Kalabahi

Traditional village Kalabahi


Beach BBQ with the Tiggys
rainforest and mist, and skidded alarmingly on muddy roads when riding pillion on mopeds. There are beautiful beaches, though sadly they are often litter-strewn. Where DO all those flipflops come from?! There's not much
attempt at recycling and towns such as Kupang or Labuan Bajo are very dirty, with gutters heaped with plastic bags and bottles. We did hear of one initiative which uses schoolchildren one afternoon a week to clear beaches,
but it will take more than that to remove the sad tidelines.

Our first encounter with Indonesia was Kupang. Going ashore was a challenge
as there's no dinghy dock, so you were simply dumped on the beach by a wave -- but then a group of locals would rush down to help pull the dinghy up the beach and would look after it all day, moving it when the tide required, for
the equivalent of £2.50. Refuelling was a similar challenge, both here and in Labuan Bajo (a harbour with hundreds of boats) as all diesel had to be transferred to the boat in jerrycans. We transported 600 litres of fuel by
dinghy to our boat and decanted it through a filter. That took an entire afternoon, making me think wistfully of service stations with petrol pumps at home.

Traffic is absolutely crazy here. I don't know what the statistics are, but I imagine road deaths must be very high. Drivers routinely overtake when approaching blind corners and lean on their horns to force the thousands of
mopeds out of their way, occasionally off the tarmac road. Tiny minivans, called bemos, stop wherever they want to let passengers out, even in the middle of intersections. We took a bemo to the traditional fruit and veg
market in Maumere, music blaring as we squeezed our large western bodies onto bench seats designed for smaller people. In remote villages, dogs move frighteningly slowly off the road as you approach and children, seeing white faces through the car windows, burst out laughing. We are the main attraction and people love having their photo taken with us. At a primary school, we were mobbed like celebrities - everybody wanted to shake hands
and introduce themselves.

We've been moving gradually west along the north coast of Flores Island. That's a Portuguese name and that influence lives on in the many Catholic churches here, although the fishing villages on the coast are mainly Muslim
and we are usually awakened by the call to prayer (some much more tuneful than others!) Last Sunday Nicky went to Mass (2 hours, the format completely familiar but entirely in Bahasa - I spent it learning numbers)
and afterwards ran an eye clinic, giving away over 70 pairs of reading
Eyejuster glasses solve short-sightedness for two sisters
glasses. As we've moved west, there's been more tourism, though the
facilities for visiting yachts are still non-existent. We've anchored off a
couple of resorts and have been made to feel very welcome by the managers.
At Sea World near Maumere we gave away glasses to staff and at the Puri Sari
Hotel we used their pool and laundry facilities. One enterprising
restaurateur in Labuan Bajo has two farms and supplies such welcome luxuries as salad leaves (21 varieties!), Italian salami and gorgonzola and organic meats. Tiggy got more than she bargained for, though, when she opened the chilled box and found her duck still had its head and feet attached.

Eventually they will arrive

But the really amazing and improbable thing about Indonesia is its sea. The diving has been exceptional; Charles said Alor was the best ever -- until he dived the Cauldron near here in Komodo. He and James, Tiggy and Callum did
a two day Advanced Diving course, which means they can dive deeper and in stronger currents. There are lots of strong currents here, which is challenging and exciting even for those on the surface, snorkelling. The
fantastically coloured coral and fish whizz by like a speeded-up film. The soft coral is blown sideways like trees in a gale. At Krokos Reef, where we enjoyed a great beach barbecue with Oyster friends (and some unwelcome sandflies), we drift-snorkelled the pass twice, towing the dinghy behind us. That night, the tide went waaaay out and we had a long walk from the beach to find sufficient depth to launch the dinghies. There was a full moon. Was it that or the distant earthquake in Lombok which caused the tidal anomaly? We have seen so much sealife: giant trevallies, sharks, turtles,
One of a thousand volcanoes in Indonesia
rays, lionfish, cuttle fish, a million reef fish. I love the multi-coloured nudibranchs attached to coral: apparently they are snails without shells, which makes them slugs, not usually my favourite creatures, but here they are glorious.
We've had some good sailing but also a fair bit of motoring. The wind can come up or die abruptly and there are very strong currents between islands. Another hazard of Indonesian sailing are FADs or Fish Attracting Devices,
frequently unmarked and unlit. We went into one bay at night with Nicky shining a torch ahead of us and spotting FADs. The following morning, leaving in daylight, we could see many more which we'd been lucky to miss.
There are very few other yachts, but many phinisi or liveaboard dive boats as well as numerous fishing boats, many just canoes with outriggers for added stability. Apparently it brings them good luck if they cut across your bow, which accounts for the sometimes erratic course they take! In some anchorages, boats come to sell or barter - a lobster for a packet of biscuits and a tee shirt? Deal! We've given away dive masks, old halyards,
clothes, saucepans and colouring pencils.

As at home, not everything runs smoothly all the time. I'll let Charles explain about the generator problems we've been having. Or maybe not as your eyes will glaze over about actuators, governors, control panels! Anyway at the moment we can either make water or charge the batteries or run the
washing machine, but not together at the same time! So we can keep going. We hope to be able to fix it in Lombok in early September.

Above all Indonesia is about its very smiley people from small children to adults. Always a wave. Much of the country survives on subsistence farming or fishing; local traditions and families are key. Although we can't understand the language apparently there are hundreds of them, with
different languages from village to village. We have visited genuinely tribal villages in Fotemvasi and the Kingdom of Boti where life hasn't changed for centuries. And yet, mobile phone coverage would have rural UK in rapture and it costs almost nothing. So traditional life and facebook co-exist; almost everyone seems to go to school in different coloured clean uniforms depending on age, but they don't learn much English there and learning by rote seems the norm. We have been to many unspoilt places on our journey and this a different, dirty-in-places kind of unspoilt.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Carsten's time on board Calliope - 28th June to 27th July 2018

Carsten sailed across the Atlantic with us on Gwylan in 2009, so when Nicky needed to go back to the UK/Switzerland in July, we knew he would be a great and fun crew member for Charles to share the trip north from Cairns to Thursday Island and the crossing to Kupang in Indonesia. His daughter Lara also sailed the Atlantic with us and was able to join at short notice. Here's Carsten's entry in our visitors' book, which gives an idea of his month aboard.

I feel as though I've been sailing for months, which is what happens when good friends just plainly get along well and enjoy each other's company. Despite being badly exploited on the last day polishing all the stainless steel until there was no toothbrush left to use, shining neglected metal on
Calliope until you needed polarised glasses to look at her, I have to admit I've been on worse journeys. First, there was the completely shuttered down Calliope I found when I sleepwalked after my sleepless 32 hour journey to the marina in Cairns, trying to guess which of the 12 Oysters flying flags on 12 different pontoons was to be my home for the next 3000 miles or so. No note and not
Aboriginal paintings 
having yet collected my wits, I failed to find the key which had been hidden for me. As it turned out, I had showed up 24 hours too early. As a result, I took out my Dutch anger biking across the hills of Cairns. What a treat cycling along the waterfront with so many special birds! Descending from the mountains I astounded Aussie drivers who couldn't believe this crazy Dutchman going down a semi-highway on an antiquated mom & pop bike. They were right, it was utterly crazy.
Another highlight: Lizard Island where Charles and I arrived after an overnight sail and went up the mountain (375m) early in the morning to Cook's Lookout, named after the then simply Lieutenant Cook who climbed up there to find a way out of the myriad reefs which had almost cost him his
vessel on the way in to shore. The lighter coloration of the reef when seen from above revealed a darker shadow showing a small exit channel. What a lovely way to start a morning, especially when at the top, neatly tucked away under a big stone there was a plastic box containing a guestbook and a
pen. Not many people had reached this spot: only the odd yachtsman and staff at the nearby marine research station, as the nearest port was 120 miles away (apart from an odd resort with 12 huts and an airstrip...) There were many other moments where we just enjoyed what we were doing without thinking about it too much - like going ashore with Mariusz and Paulina on Stanley Island at Flinders, an extraordinary place with beautiful beaches, a landing with only four metres of sand between spread out mangroves where cunning sea crocodiles were salivating, waiting for would-be explorers to land. Just 200 metres inland in a semi-circle of mangroves were rock caves with paintings by Yirrawarra, a tribe who lived on the island until 50 years ago. Nature here was rich and diverse and seemed to offer everything one needed to live off it. I won't forget Stanley Island

Charles had more in store for me, however. After we noticed a tugboat following us at about our speed (8.5 knots), one of the very few ships we
Sunset in the Torres Sea
encountered on our way up to Cape York, Charles decided to play hide and seek in the maze of huge reef systems that is the Great Barrier Reef. We deviated from the designated waterways of the inner shipping channel and
found a shorter route between reefs that were 3-15 km long, some of them atolls with just one entrance. After minimal advice from Charles ('don't take that one'), I would find myself on a night shift almost touching the ridge of the left hand side reef to avoid hitting the right hand side! Fortunately Australian charts are very accurate, which can't be said for Indonesian ones which you can't rely on: one chart reads "updated with the latest information available to Dutch Authorities in 1909". What an
adventure, which we relished despite the relatively cold weather. And Thursday Island was a treat too, with our personal sea croc guarding his territory just 200 metres from our mooring and with the larger-than-life characters Rob and Janette who ran a betting parlour disguised as a neat B&B and told fantastic stories about other business ventures in earthmoving equipment and trailer parks, as well as his regular visits to the
Netherlands. I'm thankful for the opportunity to indulge in these types of adventures and
The Kingdom of Boti
it's a tribute to Charles and Nicky's extraordinary ability to share and enjoy sharing. What a rich life for me!

Lara added:

Fotemnasi traditional dancing
Unfortunately, that crocodile prevented us from jumping into the bright blue
water that looked so tempting! We had expected a few days of motoring on our crossing and lots of Indonesian fishing boats, but we ended up with really lovely fast sailing with quiet nights and speed records - 13.5 knots was the top, steering off a wave on genoa and full main. Most of the trip was goose-winged but we did have the kite up for almost two days. Even a tuna was caught - we thought
at first it was a Spanish mackerel. We overtook all the other boats and found an anchorage in front of the town of Kupang. When Nicky came back on board it was time to explore inland on Timor.
Washing up in Boti
Fotemnasi was our first stop after an exciting 5 hour car drive (lots of overtaking on blind corners!). We enjoyed traditional dancing and stunning hilly landscapes. The next stop was the remote village of Boti where we joined the villagers' minimalistic way of living -- and sleeping! All the Oyster boats were so nice and welcoming. Special thanks to the crewies Harry, Henry, Josh, Stephan, Tom, Calum and Pedro. It's time to go home, but I wish I could stay!